Learning BASIC 7.0

Learning BASIC 7.0 is not difficult (especially if you are familiar with other Commodore BASIC languages). In this area, you will find tools and information which, hopefully, will help the beginner to learn the specifics of programming the Commodore 128. There are links to Learning tools which will help the absolute beginner and seasoned programmer.

BASIC basics
Select this link to access the beginner tutorials.

BASIC 7.0 Advanced Programming
This section is for intermediate and advanced programmers.

Books for Beginners
Only books designed for those learning listed here - advanced books listed on the previous page.

Integrating BASIC and Assembly/Machine Language

This links to a primer for beginners to learn how to add simple Machine Language (ML) routines to enhace a BASIC program. This is not inteded to learn ML, but rather for the programmer to learn how BASIC and ML can work together. Programmers interested in learning more about ML should refer to the Machine Language link under the Programming Corner page.