COMM BEST DISK 05 9 DIR 34 ADD DRILL 52 ADD & SUB 47 B.T.C. ADD 53 AUTO ADD TCHR 48 BRAIN CRANE + 48 BRAIN CRANE - 35 LAZER MATH 38 QUIZ ADD 36 MIXED NUMBERS 40 POLICE SUBTRACT 45 SMALL MATH 34 INTEGER ADD 55 ADDS AND SUBS 67 AGENT BLOTTO 17 SPACE NIM ADD DRILL: Program Name: Addition Drill Written by: Donald Ross - 1979 Upgraded by: Quincy Lee - 1982 Size: 34 blocks Add large or small numbers. ADD & SUB: Program Name: Add & Sub Written by: Michael Samorodny Upgraded by: Size: 52 blocks This program teaches simplification of signs in addition and subtraction problems. B.T.C. ADD: Program Name: Beat the Clock Add Written by: Hin Jang Upgraded by: Cary Lewis Size: 47 blocks This program can be used to support the math curriculum. It is good for students just learning how to add, or as a review practice. When using this program, make sure that you adjust it to the level of difficulty of the grade level you are using it for. (See section on PROGRAM MODIFICATION) Students may use this program alone or in groups. Modification of program... This program may be modified by: [1] Changing its level of difficulty [2] Making adjustments to allow for greater time lengths To change the program's level of difficulty, adjust line numbers 1520, 1530, and 1840. These are the lines: 1520 a=int(rnd(1)*10) 1530 b=int(rnd(1)*10) 1540 a=int(rnd(1)*100):f=100-a Adjust the "10" in lines 1520, 1530 and the "100" in line 1840. The program in its present state will only accpt zero through nine as tie durations to answer each question. If you feel that you need a 2-digit time duration, adjust line 1240: 1240 ul=1:us$="123456789":gosub 35:tm$ =ur$ Change the variable "ul" so it equals "2" and add a zero on the end of the string variable, "us$" so that it becomes: 1240 ul=2:us$="1234567890":gosub 35:tm $=ur$ This program will test your addition skills. You'll be given 30 questions. Right answers score points for you, but wrong answers score points for me. If you take longer than the time you choose at the start of the program, then it's a point for me. AUTO ADD TCHR: Program Name: Addition Teacher Written by: Upgraded by: Ray White Size: 53 blocks This program is intended for the lower grades of elementary school. The student is drilled on addition skills at a comfortable level, step by step in the addition process. If the student does well, a drill at a higher level of difficulty follows. There are eight levels in all. BRAIN CRANE +8: Program Name: Brain Crane + Written by: Dave Scheele, Dan Neilson, Bruce Johnson Upgraded by: Size: 48 blocks This program 'builds up' a student's addition skills by drill. A faily of numbers is drilled ten times, after which the student's score is printed. The computer will give a comment appropriate to the score. If the student did not get all the questions correct, the same number family will be drilled again. The range of families available is from 1 to 50. You have the option of choosing one family of numbers for intensive study, or the computer can randomly choose different families for each question. An example of a number family is the 12 in 'x + y = 12'. BRAIN CRANE -: Program Name: Dave Scheele, Dan Neilson, Bruce Johnson Written by: Upgraded by: Size: 48 blocks This program 'builds up' a student's subtraction skills by drill. A family of numbers is drilled ten times, after which the student's score is printed. The computer will give a comment appropriate to the score. If the student did not get all the questions correct, the same number family will be drilled again. The range of families available is from 1 to 50. You have the option of choosing one family of numbers for intensive study, or the computer can randomly choose different families for each question. An example of a number family is the 12 in '12 - y = x'. LAZER MATH: Program Name: Lazer math Written by: John Chellow Upgraded by: Stephen Fenton Size: 35 blocks You will be given a sum to answer. But meanwhile a lazer beam will be demolishing the block. So answer the sum as fast as your fingers and mind will allow. QUIZ ADD: Program Name: Quiz Add Written by: R. Macnaughton Upgraded by: Size: 38 blocks This program is well suited for kindergarten to grade 3 students in the area of mathematics. This may be used to check the student's progress and learning comprehension during the important years of math teaching. Modification of program... The teacher may change the grade level (K-3) by modifying the following variables: N2 - Line 1280 = Max. # to add (25) N1 - Line 1280 = Min. # to add (10) TR - Line 1420 = Tries at answering (2) xx - Line 1100 = Chars per line (80) NA - Line 1070 = # of points/answer (1) MIXED NUMBERS: Program Name: Mixed Numbers Written by: Upgraded by: Steve Gutz Size: 36 blocks You are asked for the number of addends you wish to add. (4 is the max.) Then you will be given the question. You are to type in the denominator, numerator and the integer sum. POLICE SUBTRACT: Program Name: Police Subtraction Written by: Debby Babicz Upgraded by: Size: 40 blocks Crime is a game where cops and robbers are in battle to take over the square, you being the cop must correctly answer the subtraction question. To win you must complete the square trying to save the town from crime. Modification of program... Modifications of this program are limited to changing the range of values used in the questions. The current values are: HI 1000 and LOW 50. SMALL MATH: Program Name: Small Math Written by: J. Whitewood Upgraded by: Size: 45 blocks The PET (or 64) will give you questions in add- ing and subtracting. You can choose to work with small or big numbers if you are able to. Before going on the the next question, you first have to give the right answer. You can stop any time you want after you have answered the question correctly. Modification of program... The range of values given in the questions is controlled in line 1120. MU is the maximum value permitted. List line 1120 and change the value of MU to whatever you wish. i.e., 1120 mu=9... RETURN NOTE: Do not let MU be less than 9. If the student chooses to work with big numbers and if you want to change the maximum value, then change MU in line 1150 to the desired value. i.e., 1150 RETURN Note: Do not set MU over 99. INTEGER ADD: Program Name: Integer Add Written by: N. Dancy Upgraded by: Size: 34 blocks Add two numbers. Numbers can be negative in value. ADDS AND SUBS: Program Name: Adds and Subs Written by: Bruce Johnson Upgraded by: Size: 55 blocks There will be 10 questions given to the student (To change the no. of questions asked see 'MODIFICATION OF THIS PROGRAM' in the menu). If the student does not answer correctly the first time, the equation is displayed again using a certain number of objects to represent the numbers in the equation. It will be helpful to the student to see the number of objects which the numbers in the equation represent. If the student answers a question incorrectly the next question will not appear until the correct answer is entered. Then the question which the student answered incorrectly is repeated. A tabulation of the number of questions the student answered both correctly and incorrectly is displayed after the completion of the ten questions. Modification of program... The number of questions given to the students is ten. To change that number just change line 2215 (Changing the number of questions from 10). LIST 2215 2215 IF T=10 GOTO2250 now change the 10 to a 5 2215 IF T=5 GOTO2250 ^ changed (from 10 to 5) AGENT BLOTTO: Program Name: AGENT BLOTTO Written by: M. Kanarek, C. Saraceni, P. Scrimgeour Upgraded by: D. Dumas Size: 67 blocks AGENT BLOTTO is a program designed as a code breaking game. It includes all operations using both positive and negative numbers. The student solves a problem and her/his answer represents a letter (e.g., a=1, b=2, etc.) to solve the secret message. Modification of program... The data in this program could be changed so that no negative numbers are involved. The program will be suitable for lower junior and primary grade levels. SPACE NIM: Program Name: Space NIM Written by: Jim Butterfield (P.U.N) Upgraded by: Matt Ganis Size:17 Space NIM is the space version of the popular game of Nim. The object is to take the last container of fuel. You may take as many containers from any one pile as you like. The droid will tell you if you may take that many containers by shaking his head yes or no. When asked 'which droid?' you reply with a 1, 2 or 3; meaning droid 1, droid 2 or droid 3.